Property Tax Collection
Tax rates are set in June of each year. Tax bills are prepared and mailed out by August 1st of each year. Property taxes are due on the third Monday in August. However, the property owner may elect to pay in installments if the taxes on a parcel exceed $100.00. The installments due dates for fiscal 2024-2025 tax year are:
For Fiscal Year 2024-2025
(July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
InstallmentDue DateLast Day to Pay without Penalty
1st Monday August 19, 2024 August 29, 2024
2nd Monday October 7, 2024 October 17, 2024
3rd Monday January 6, 2025 January 16, 2025
4th Monday March 3, 2025 March 13, 2025
Future Due Dates:
Fiscal Year 2025-2026
Fiscal Year 2026-2027
Fiscal Year 2027-2028
The Nevada legislature has established four tax installment due dates for each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) as shown above. Tax bills are mailed only once each year.
If you purchase real property during the tax year, you are responsible for any taxes not paid as of the close of escrow. Please call the Treasurer's Office (702-455-4323) to request a duplicate bill. As stated in NRS 361.480 failure to receive an individual tax bill does not excuse the taxpayer from the timely payment of his taxes.
There are 112 tax districts in Clark County. The tax rates for these districts are based on the amount of monies budgeted to them for the necessary maintenance and improvements for their facilities and services. The tax monies collected for the districts must pay for schools, roads, police and fire protection, along with all other services that a taxpayer demands and desires from local government. These tax rates vary depending on the type of services provided to each district.